Michelle Winter Design

Interior Design Help
How I can help you sleep at night, look ten years younger, get a thumbs up from your dentist, and keep money in your wallet.
“You have great taste and are incredibly thoughtful and organized, and seem to think of everything when we were planning the space.”
-Gupta A, Los Gatos, CA
DIY Staging
Selling your home?
Want it look beautious for the buyers?
Here’s a (cheaper, better, more fun) option to paying stagers the big bucks.
Pocket the cash instead.
“You helped guide me through what otherwise would have been an overwhelming experience for me.”
-Lois H, Campbell, CA
DIY Staging
Selling your home?
Want it look beautious for the buyers?
Here’s a (cheaper, better, more fun) option to paying stagers the big bucks.
Pocket the cash instead.
“You helped guide me through what otherwise would have been an overwhelming experience for me.”
-Lois H, Campbell, CA
The inside scoop about a chick who loves everything about your space (and how to reach me).
“I never felt pushed into anything with you and at the same time was able to rely on you to make certain key decisions.”
-Carol N, Menlo Park, CA
BDBF (Best Design Buddies Forever)
408 910-9187
Hours are noon to nine most days including weekends
Serving Silicon Valley and beyond